by Division Aurora
We are the PINOY version of Buying and Selling of friends!How To play?
1. Register to get Account. S...
We are the PINOY version of Buying and Selling of friends!How To play?
1. Register to get Account. Starter account gets $1000 value and $5000 money.
2. Be active daily to get bonus money.
3. Buy sweethearts or bargain them to earn money. Having investments is a big plus.
By Buying sweethearts, her/his value will increase.Be selling sweethearts, you earn back money based on his/her value.Raise sweethearts to earn more money.Sweethearts earns money when they are raised.4. Earn Stars and crown by making sweethearts VIP or making yourself VIP.
5. Put your name as a referral to earn $20,000 each registration.
On each user’s Edit Profile, There is a one time updating of referral field. Make sure your friends put you as referral so GM’s can check and reward you $100,000 in-game cash for every 5 users recruited.
Guild Village
You need to have guild and be the Guild Master to Attack a castle.In order to attack, your guild must have $10,000,000 funds.Charm Castle – Based on Charm of each members, members pet & guild master.Hope Castle – Based on Hope of each members, members pet & guild master.Love Castle – Based on Love of each members, members pet & guild master.Main Castle -Based on all stats of each members, members pet & guild master.Slot Machine
1 spin is worth $500.1 winning coin is equivalent to $ 500.Every Saturday, the prize is x 1.5!Win 4 coins above and receive 1 Loyalty Pet!Pet Combinator
Combine Costs = Quantity 2 & $50,000.Every Friday the success rate increased by 20.1 success increases Pet stats from 1 to 5.World Boss
Top 100% in Attacks: 1% of current moneyTop 80% in Attacks: 2% of current moneyTop 60% in Attacks: 3% of current moneyTop 40% in Attacks: 4% of current money and 1 petTop 20% in Attacks: 5% of current money and 2 petTop 100% in Damage: 1% of current moneyTop 80% in Damage: 2% of current moneyTop 60% in Damage: 3% of current moneyTop 40% in Damage: 4% of current money and 1 petTop 20% in Damage: 5% of current money and 2 petVault Raid
Vault Raid is only during Mondays and Thursdays. It is based on your number of sweethearts (total) plus your current pet bonus and your bonus (charm, hope, love)
You can Raid users within your money range (50% of your money to 150% of your money). Winning Raiders earns .01 % of Defenders Money. You can check the Users winning rate on their profile Statistics. If you lose the raid, You also lose .01 % of your money.
Team Tournament
Tournament is Held during Tuesdays. Calculations of wins is based on user “Charm” stats and his/her pet “Charm” stats. Registration in tournament is 6am to 10am and $10,000,000 is required. If registered contestants does not reach 30, random users will be selected to fill the empty slots. Non-registered contestants will not be able to receive rewards for the match.
First Battle = 1pmSecond Battle = 3pmThird Battle = 5pmFourth Battle = 7pmChampionship = 9pmDuring off hours you can raise your stats, buy more sweethearts, upgrade your pet to prepare for coming battle.Top 32 gets “$11,000,000”. Additional “$1,000,000” for Top 16. Additional “$2,000,000” for Top 8. Additional “$3,000,000” for Top 4. Additional “$4,000,000” for Top 2. Grand Winner gets additional “$5,000,000” and 50 pet materials.
Territory Wars
Territory war is every Saturdays. You can have only 1 spot. Re-occupying a spot leaves your current spot. No fee is deducted in occupying a spot. Everyday, you can gain rewards by clicking your current spot. 3 random spots are selected each week to have huge bonus. Bonus Spots are revealed by Sunday after Territory wars.
Army Formula: Charm, Hope, Love and Pets Charm, Hope, Love of your sweethearts are calculated. No stats from you!
One City
This city opens only during Fridays. The guild holding the city gets 1% of every Buying of sweethearts. 1% of every Buying and selling goes to guild funds. Stats (Charm, Hope, Love) calculation is based on the members of the guild only!